Friday, March 11, 2011

Where are our priorities?

In a time in which millions of people are losing their homes, lands, places of business, schools, and children, our news media decides to do what? Oh, that's right, talk about oil drilling.
What a convenient time, lets add stress to America's people as their hearts go out to the millions effected by the Tsunami.  According to, Hardeep Dhillon writes a commentary titled, "Fox Interrupts Earthquake Coverage to Push For Oil Drilling."
Nice, isn't it?
Wall Street Journal's Steve Moore plays an interesting roll in the video clip. He says that gas prices are the number one thing on America's mind, and that, " I mean, the way I put it is Jenna is that every time we can drill for oil here in the United States every barrel, that's one less barrel we have to get from these countries like Saudi Arabia, like Iran and Iraq, like Libya that some so much turmoil." However, he goes on to say that this idea conflicts with the Presidential Policy on moving ahead.
Shouldn't it be the roll of every great Leader to have their Country be completely self-sufficient? I know the roll of a mother is to have her child be self-sufficient. Why does the same rule not apply here?
The author, Hardeep Dhillon concludes his argument by saying, "However, Moore is right about one thing - the "bigger issue is what we are doing in the long term." Unfortunately for Fox News and Moore, "drill, baby, drill" is just not going to cut it."
And unfortunatly, the demand for gas is only going up as we appraoch the Summer months, and so are the prices. But, the timing of the argument was not appropriate because people were attempting to gain information about the Tsunami, and not be troubled by the continuing oil debate.

Source: http:///