Friday, May 13, 2011

Is it really necessary?

I agree with your post whole heartedly. I feel that it is unnecessary for an individual to demand proof of someone else's place of birth. That documentation, if in question, should have been provided at the time of innauguration. Now, is irrelevant.
Regardless, though, it proves Donald Trump's arrogance. His wealth will only get him so far in life. When running for president, he must realize that it will come down to his merit.
Is he personally going to pour millions of dollars back in to our economy to help minimize the deficit? I doubt it.
Now is a time in which our current president has won himself more votes in reelection, and his running mates will take whatever means necessary to deface him.
Its sad, really. Our elections resemble children on a play ground. (Although, not as cute!)
If Donald Trump wins presidency, it will be based on his reality show popularity, and not his actual political knowledge. I guess in times like these, it will work in his favor. This being the time of smuck TV and all.

Comment in reference to question of legal birth certificate