Friday, February 11, 2011

Health Care

This is a new take on Health Care. Do we honestly feel that the US Government is going to be able to repair a system that is so corrupt. Even with Health Care, the medical cost is out of control. Having insurance, an average family of 4 spends between $300 - $400 a month on premiums, usually with high medical deductibles. This is strictly for preventative care, not even necessarily for major medical. Now, I do agree that we all need health care for major medical, but minor visits to the doctor should not warrant such high costs. Did you know that you get a price break if you don't have insurance? That's right, typically 60-80% off of the original bill. Craziness!!!! We do have medical insurance, but I do not feel that we use a year's worth of premiums in medical expenses. Nor do we receive much of a tax break for these benefits.
Good luck to the group that takes this battle on! It's going to be a long, hard fight!

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